Welcome to Visit-Vallarta

Everything You Need to Know About Puerto Vallarta, Mexico


Welcome to Visit-Vallarta

In this site  you will find all you need to know to maximize your Puerto Vallarta experience. Discover the beautiful city through its people, culture, food, entertainment and amazing scenery.

Bus fares, taxi rates, car rentals, bus routes


The transportation essentials. Everything from airport taxis, taxi fares, bus routes, bus fairs, car rentals, and more


This icon links to the Beaches of Puerto Vallarta main page

The Beaches of Puerto Vallarta

This section contains an interactive map showing all the beaches as well as direct links to more information about each individual beach.

This image links to all the information about Puerto Vallarta

Puerto Vallarta

This section contains direct links to information about Puerto Vallarta, including where to eat, where to stay, what to do, how to get there, etc.

This image links to a page with updates on COVID-19 in Puerto Vallarta

Puerto Vallarta COVID-19 Updates

This section contains direct links to updates with regard to COVID-19 in Puerto Vallarta.